CANUSA - Collection

With our CANUSA-Collection we take you on our trips trough the USA and this year also to Canada!

You can order the colorways on all off-white Yarn Bases.
In addition, matching our travel destination this year, there is the KANADA-Fade, which is available on our PEGASUS Yarn Base.

Welcome to Miami

A walk on Miami Beach

Golden Gate

One of the most famous landmarks of the World

New York City

The fascinating Atmosphere of the Big Apple

Grand Canyon

The impressive Wonder of Nature in Arizona

Hotel California

The famous catchy tune from the West Coast

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

The wild nights of Las Vegas

Lake Louise

Our monthly colorway for September is part of the CANUSA - Collection, too!


The colors Lake Louise, Jasper and Grizzly form the Canada Fade

Fade - Ideas

The CANUSA-Collection can be perfectly combined to create Fades. Here some inspirations:


Escape Jersey

Bright Side Raglan

The Bright Side Raglan Sweater by Espace Tricot is perfect for a fade from the CANUSA collection, here knitted with the Yarn Base Pegasus and complemented with the colorway Raven!

Stephen West

Dotted Rays Speckled Fade

The Dotted Rays - Speckled Fade by Stephen West is perfect for the Kanada-Fade, here complemented with Berlin on Pegasus and Raven on Virgo!